Experience comfort and peace

in body and in spirit

The massage therapist in a red and white striped blouse, cradles the shoulder of the clothed client and applies deep pressure.

Individual treatment

Your massage is exactly that, it is your time.

When we arrange the appointment I will ask you about the kind of massage you would like, how much time you have and whether you plan on doing anything afterwards. We’ll talk about whether you want oil to be used, your hair to be touched or perhaps you’d prefer to remain entirely clothed. It is all entirely up to you.
You can have the treatment in complete silence or select from a playlist of music. Perhaps you’d prefer to sit rather than lay. If you want to be massaged in a chair, facing me, having a chat and a cup of tea, I can also do that. It’s all about what makes you feel comfortable and cared for.

We can discuss what you might need to make the experience comfortable and safe for you.

If you have additional needs, please feel free to tell me and we will work together to make sure your treatment is what you want.

You can come and meet me before we do any massages. If you come along for a back massage but you decide that you want me to massage your hands or feet instead, or only have a cup of tea, that is perfectly ok too. If you want a carer or a chaperone with you, I can arrange the room so they can be behind a curtain.

Massage is relaxing and safe for everyone and I want to do it in a way that makes you feel respected.

If you are interested in how my spiritual practices affect my massages, please read my About Page