I am Rachel Glasier, a qualified massage therapist since 2011.
I knead and stretch until your muscles feel like your own again.
My hope is that you will leave here feeling like new.
Meet the Team
The “team” is me. Only, I do nothing apart from Him.
If you are healed it is because God heals you.
If you find rest for your soul, it is glory to God who’s peace passes understanding.
The Holy Spirit nudges me in the right direction to find out all the sore and tense places and sometimes, to reveal a need for deeper healing by the tender saviour, Jesus Christ.
The “team” is the Holy Spirit, my family and I.
I massage. My husband, Hugo keeps my massage space in good order, makes me furniture when I need it and generally supports me by being very quiet about his work when I am doing mine. My In-Laws share their home with us and graciously invite my clients to enjoy the peace and tranquility here. That’s Team Glasier.
How it all began
I learned to massage when I was a teenager. A family friend had taken a course in Body Massage and taught me some techniques to try at home. Shortly afterwards she suffered a massive stroke and was paralysed down one side. It became clear that she would need a dedicated team of amateur physiotherapists to support the excellent care she was getting through the NHS. Together we went on a journey to learn how to help her and I began a lifelong fascination with the restorative capabilities of the human body.
My Testimony
I was saved in 2019 and I threw all the New Age practices out with the bathwater, that included massage, for a while. Until the Holy Spirit started to show me that the talent I had been given was a gift from God and He wanted me to share it again.
That is why my massages are simple, God-given moments. No bells, no smells, no mysticism. Just plain and simple. I work on the muscles and tissues that the Lord Most High gave you when He knit you together in your mother’s womb.
Sometimes our lives knot up what He knit together and then a massage does us good.